Ranks - Crates
Premium Ranks
On the Moose SMP there are custom ranks that give you special
in-game perks and rewards.
The VIP Rank is the lowest base rank; but what it lacks in price, it makes up for in prizes! With the VIP Rank, you have access to the following benefits:
VIP Discord Role and Channels
VIP suffix
Daily VIP kit
The daily VIP kit gives you 5x VIP Crate Key's, as well as giving you 1-150 Copper Coin's.
-More to be added in future updates!
The MVP Rank is the highest base rank. Make the other players wish they were you as you walk in with style, head held high and proud! With the MVP Rank, you have access to the following benefits:
MVP Discord Role and Channels
MVP suffix
Daily MVP kit
The daily MVP kit gives you 5x MVP Crate Key's, as well as giving you 1-12 Silver Coin's.
-More to be added in future updates!
The LEGEND Rank is a subscription for those dedicated to being better than everyone else. These players are nonpareil when it comes to class and betterment. These players walk around in metaphorical cloaks of gold and a poise that just makes the lower class players want to grovel as they pass by! With the LEGEND Rank, you have access to the following benefits:
*Requires MVP Rank*
LEGEND Discord Role and Channels
LEGEND suffix
Daily LEGEND kit
The daily LEGEND kit gives you 5x LEGEND Crate Key's, as well as giving you 1-5 Gold Coin's.
-More to be added in future updates!
VIP Crate
The VIP Crate can be opened by using a VIP Crate Key, which is obtained from the daily VIP kit from the VIP Rank.
-This crate can be found in the Royal Market, in front of the entrance to Moose's Castle.
MVP Crate
The MVP Crate can be opened by using a MVP Crate Key, which is obtained from the daily MVP kit from the MVP Rank.
-This crate can be found in the Royal Market, in front of the entrance to Moose's Castle.
The LEGEND Crate can be opened by using a LEGEND Crate Key, which is obtained from the daily LEGEND kit from the LEGEND Rank.
-This crate can be found in the Royal Market, in front of the entrance to Moose's Castle.
The Royal Crate can be opened by using a Royal Crate Key, which can be obtained as a Legendary reward from the VIP, MVP, and LEGEND ranks, or from using your monthly kit by using the /kit monthly command in-game.
-This crate can be found in the courtyard, just inside the entrance of Moose's Castle.
Crate Rewards
VIP Crate Rewards
x8 Dropper,
x8 Quartz Block,
x32 Cobblestone,
x1 Saddle,
x1 NameTag,
x2 Bone Block,
x16 Grass Block,
x2 Lead,
x2 Slime Block,
x1 Honey Block,
x8 Rotten Flesh,
x8 Mossy Cobblestone,
x1 Poisonous Potato,
x6 Wheat,
x3 Carrot,
x16 Coal,
x5 Lapis Lazuli,
x3 Diamond,
x5 Bone,
x6 Emerald,
x5 Gold Ingot,
x11 Iron Ingot,
x2 Copper Ingot,
x12 Redstone Dust,
x16 Bread,
x1 Cake,
x6 Cookie,
x5 Dried Kelp,
x2 Glow Ink Sac,
x3 Egg,
x3 Feather,
x6 String,
x32 Copper Coin
x2 Comparator,
x3 Sticky Piston,
x2 Observer,
x4 Soul Sand,
x5 Netherrack,
x3 Redstone Lamp,
x2 Daylight Detector,
x2 Fermented Spider Eye,
x3 Slimeball,
x5 Silver Coin
x1 Potion of Strength [Duration 3m],
x4 Golden Apple,
x8 Tipped Arrow [Poison 5s],
x1 Blaze Rod,
x1 Awkward Potion,
x1 Enchantment Book [Protection 2, Sharpness 2]
x1 Brewing Stand,
x1 Totem of Undying,
x1 Gold Coin,
x1 Royal Crate Key
x1 Wither Skeleton Skull
MVP Crate Rewards
x8 Dropper,
x8 Quartz Block,
x32 Cobblestone,
x1 Saddle,
x1 NameTag,
x2 Bone Block,
x16 Grass Block,
x2 Lead,
x2 Slime Block,
x1 Honey Block,
x8 Rotten Flesh,
x8 Mossy Cobblestone,
x1 Poisonous Potato,
x6 Wheat,
x3 Carrot,
x16 Coal,
x5 Lapis Lazuli,
x3 Diamond,
x5 Bone,
x6 Emerald,
x5 Gold Ingot,
x11 Iron Ingot,
x2 Copper Ingot,
x12 Redstone Dust,
x16 Bread,
x1 Cake,
x6 Cookie,
x5 Dried Kelp,
x2 Glow Ink Sac,
x3 Egg,
x3 Feather,
x6 String,
x16 Obsidian,
x12 Cherry Log,
x5 Prismarine Shard,
x4 Prismarine Crystals
x64 Copper Coin
x2 Comparator,
x3 Sticky Piston,
x2 Observer,
x4 Soul Sand,
x5 Netherrack,
x3 Redstone Lamp,
x2 Daylight Detector,
x2 Fermented Spider Eye,
x3 Slimeball,
x8 Endstone,
x4 Purpur Block,
x1 Potion of Invisibility [Duration 3m],
x1 Potion of Speed [Duration 3m],
x1 Splash Potion [Slowness 1m30s],
x8 Silver Coin
x1 Potion of Strength [Duration 3m],
x4 Golden Apple,
x8 Tipped Arrow [Poison 5s],
x1 Blaze Rod,
x1 Awkward Potion,
x1 Enchantment Book [Protection 2, Sharpness 2],
x1 Enchantment Book [Protection 3, Sharpness 3],
x1 Enchantment Book [Mending]
x1 Brewing Stand,
x1 Pig Spawner,
x1 Totem of Undying,
x1 Shulker Shell,
x2 Gold Coin,
x2 Royal Crate Key
x1 Wither Skeleton Skull
x1 Eye Armor Trim,
x1 Wild Armor Trim
LEGEND Crate Rewards
x8 Dropper,
x8 Quartz Block,
x32 Cobblestone,
x1 Saddle,
x1 NameTag,
x2 Bone Block,
x16 Grass Block,
x2 Lead,
x2 Slime Block,
x1 Honey Block,
x8 Rotten Flesh,
x8 Mossy Cobblestone,
x1 Poisonous Potato,
x6 Wheat,
x3 Carrot,
x16 Coal,
x5 Lapis Lazuli,
x3 Diamond,
x5 Bone,
x6 Emerald,
x5 Gold Ingot,
x11 Iron Ingot,
x2 Copper Ingot,
x12 Redstone Dust,
x16 Bread,
x1 Cake,
x6 Cookie,
x5 Dried Kelp,
x2 Glow Ink Sac,
x3 Egg,
x3 Feather,
x6 String,
x16 Obsidian,
x12 Cherry Log,
x5 Prismarine Shard,
x4 Prismarine Crystals,
x1 Fire Charge,
x5 Raw Gold,
x5 Raw Iron,
x2 Honeycomb,
x256 Copper Coin,
x10 Silver Coin
x2 Comparator,
x3 Sticky Piston,
x2 Observer,
x4 Soul Sand,
x5 Netherrack,
x3 Redstone Lamp,
x2 Daylight Detector,
x2 Fermented Spider Eye,
x3 Slimeball,
x8 Endstone,
x4 Purpur Block,
x1 Potion of Invisibility [Duration 3m],
x1 Potion of Speed [Duration 3m],
x1 Splash Potion [Slowness 1m30s]
x1 Potion of Strength [Duration 3m],
x4 Golden Apple,
x8 Tipped Arrow [Poison 5s],
x1 Blaze Rod,
x1 Awkward Potion,
x1 Enchantment Book [Protection 2, Sharpness 2],
x1 Enchantment Book [Protection 3, Sharpness 3],
x1 Enchantment Book [Mending],
x5 Gold Coin
x1 Brewing Stand,
x1 Pig Spawner,
x1 Cow Spawner,
x1 Totem of Undying,
x1 Shulker Shell,
x1 Music Disc - Relic,
x1 Music Disc - Pigstep,
x1 Enchantment Book [Fortune 2, Power 2, Protection 3, Sharpness 3, Unbreaking 1],
x1 Enchantment Book [Efficiency 5, Feather Falling 4, Fortune 3, Looting 2, Luck of the Sea 3, Lure 3, Piercing 3, Power 5, Protection 4, Respiration 2, Sharpness 5, Sweeping Edge 3, Swift Sneak 2, Thorns 1, Unbreaking 3, Curse of the Vanishing],
x3 Royal Crate Key
x1 Wither Skeleton Skull
x1 Eye Armor Trim,
x1 Wild Armor Trim,
x1 Spire Armor Trim,
x1 Netherite Scrap,
x1 Creeper Spawner,
x1 Skeleton Spawner,
x1 Zombie Spawner,
ROYAL Crate Rewards
1x Brewing Stand,
1x Blaze Rod,
x320 Copper Coin
x1 Enchantment Book [Protection 3, Sharpness 3],
x1 Enchantment Book [Mending],
x1 Shulker Shell,
x1 Enchantment Book [Fortune 2, Power 2, Protection 3, Sharpness 3, Unbreaking 1],
x15 Silver Coin
x1 Totem of Undying,
x1 Pig Spawner,
x8 Gold Coin
x5, Royal Crate Key,
x1 Eye Armor Trim,
x1 Wild Armor Trim,
x1 Spire Armor Trim,
x1 Music Disc - Relic,
x1 Music Disc - Pigstep,
x1 Skeleton Spawner,
x1 Zombie Spawner,
x1 Cow Spawner,
x1 Enchantment Book [Efficiency 5, Feather Falling 4, Fortune 3, Looting 2, Luck of the Sea 3, Lure 3, Piercing 3, Power 5, Protection 4, Respiration 2, Sharpness 5, Sweeping Edge 3, Swift Sneak 2, Thorns 1, Unbreaking 3, Curse of the Vanishing]
x1 Wither Skeleton Skull,
x1 Netherite Scrap,
x1 Creeper Spawner,
x1 VIP Voucher